The North Texas Norton Owners Association who is helping organize the AHRMA Vintage races scheduled for March 25-27, 2011 at Motorsports Ranch in Cresson, Texas has requested we post this urgent request for corner workers for the event.
From Bruce M Jones, North Texas Norton Owners Association…
“AHRMA has just informed us, TODAY, that they will not be providing corner workers during the Lone Star Classic. Originally they said they had the situation under control, but apparently they do not. We cannot race without 20 Corner Workers per day. The event is from March 24th to 27th. If anyone, member or non-member can help us out and volunteer as a Corner Worker please contact Dennis Tackett at dennistackett@msn.com for specific days required.”
Please contact NTNOA directly if you’re interested. Here’s the link to the event.
– Editor