There’s conflicting information out there about the status of the Circuit of the Americas Formula 1 Track that is under construction in Austin. Here’s what we know. The president of FIM, the Formula 1 and MotoGP sanctioning body, Bernie Ecclestone “received a check.” Details about where the check came from have not been made public. Texas Comptroller Susan Combs reiterated on Nov. 17, 2011 “Ultimately, I am responsible for protecting the interests of Texas taxpayers, first and foremost. I will not allow taxpayer dollars to be placed at risk. My position on that has not changed.” Which implies that the State of Texas stuck to its guns. Perhaps the investors did some investing to keep their dream of an international motorsport complex in Texas alive.
In any case, someone seems to have anted up the reported $25-30 mil to satisfy the terms of the contract with F1, so work has resumed on the track. But it still looks a little wobbly from our perspective so don’t buy your box seats quite yet.
Fans of MotoGP should note that the official MotoGP website does not include a Texas MotoGP race on the 2012 schedule.