“Where the ultra lounge meets the gun range,” the website reads in all caps. I’m not sure why this didn’t happen in Texas first, but the people who are opening Machine Guns Vegas tell us that they’ll have “fully trained ‘gun waitresses’ to provide you with a cocktail of gun cocktails at Machine Guns Vegas.”
Then again, you wouldn’t a partially trained “gun waitress” now would you? And yes, they used the phrase ” a cocktail of gun cocktails,” which you’ll have to decide what it could possibly mean.
By the way, you’d better tip your gun waitress well, fully or partially trained.
MGV will have several menu categories, all with colorful names and catchy phrases. Verbatim, from their materials:
- The MOB, is a blend of weaponry used by the Mafia in Las Vegas including Thompson, an Amphibian S pistol suppressor and the Mossberg 590A1 12 gauge shot gun. (It almost sounds like they’re talking current-tense mafia, but you didn’t hear that here.)
- The Femme Fatale is an intigruing cocktail of an Uzi and any hangun. (Intriguing cocktail of an Uzi and a handgun, really?)
- The Elite, is rounds from a M249, 3 handguns, 3 semi-automatics and 4 full automatics.
They include in their materials the rather puzzling statement “You also have the opportunity to shoot the guns straight.” Well, what a relief, much better than shooting the guns skewed, or ricocheted, or out the back of the gun.
These are the guns MGV will have for customers to “shoot straight“:
- Full Automatics include M60, M249 SAW, M4 Carbine, Thompson M1A1, M3A1 Grease Gun, Uzi, HK MP5, AK-47, MAC 10 and MP 40.
- Semi Automatics include Steyr AUG, Savage 100 FP, FN Scar, HK MR556, FN FAL, SPAS 12, Mossberg 590A1, FN PS90, KRISS SUPER V, Sign 556 SWAT.
- Handguns include Sig 556 Pistol, Beretta M9, Sig Sauer P226, FN Five-Seven, Glock 17, Springfield 1911, Springfield XDM 9mm, HK P30, Ruger Super Redhawk, Desert Eagle .50AE, Ruger Amphibian, Taurus Raging Judge, HK USP 9mm.
So, we’ve had a little fun at MGV’s expense, and technically this isn’t motorcycle related, but it would be sort of cool to get to shoot some of these exotic shooty things. I mean, an Uzi. Who doesn’t want to post that status on their Facebook page?
Here’s a link to their site.