In grand style, dapper gents and elegant ladies shall ride their steeds while raising awareness for men’s health as part of the annual Distinguished Gentlemen’s Ride. Last year, more than 20,000 participants in 257 cities around 58 countries raised more than $1.5 million for prostate cancer research. This year, the goal is to raise $3 million.

Join us Sunday, September 27th, when more than 30,000 smartly-dressed motorcycle aficionados in more than 400 cities—including Austin, Dallas, El Paso, Houston—will straddle the saddles of their café racers, bobbers, scramblers, scooters and other style motorcycles to raise awareness and help fund the cure for prostate cancer.

Only registered riders are permitted to participate. Register at for more details, such as the ride location, start time, a Style Guide, safety information and facts about organizations that the fundraiser benefits.

For more information, go to:, or contact Mark Hawwa at