Much of Texas’ history exists in its small towns that lie along the back roads that used to be main roads, until the interstates were built, thus diverting traffic, commerce, and the future. Many of these once thriving communities are now classified officially as ghost towns. Girvin, Texas is once such place. But they had a social club, which says a lot about life here at one time, before the end.
Yes. It’s sad, but life moves on, and sprouts elsewhere anew. But these old wooden structures and the stories they convey in their peeling paint and faded signs will not last forever. No, they won’t be replaced by a Wal*Mart. The people left long ago. They aren’t any shoppers left. These buildings will be replaced by huisache and prickly pears and the footfall of foxes, rabbits and the occasional mountain lion.
When we ride through these towns and see something that catches our eye, we stop take a look, and get a photograph. You should, too. Don’t just fly by. Stop. Take a moment to enjoy something that speaks to a different time, a different way of living.