Intrepid seekers of the deep mystery of the joys of consuming charred meat gather ’round and listen ye to this story, and forget not what is told.
Or something like that…
Even with a map you may have trouble finding Pat Gee’s. And if you tarry and show up late, they’ll have run out of food and closed before you get there. But this is a barbecue experience that you expect to see in a move about barbecue in Texas, except it’s real. Good food. Good people. Family run, forever. Mostly locals eating there, taking food to go. Open Friday through Sunday only. The hours are 11:00 am through 7:00 pm, or until they run out of meat.
When you ride up, you’ll know it can’t not be good. And as we always like to say, if it’s hard to find, that just makes it all the better.
More Barbecue
You might be interested in our barbecue edition. It’s dedicated to lovers of BBQ and riding motorcycles, two passions of epic proportions. We’ve scoured the state for the best Q and the best roads to get you there. Read more…