We all know Texas has extreme weather, but this is just crazy. TxDOT has reported that Traffic on southbound U.S. 287 about 20 miles south of Dumas in the Panhandle came to a standstill late in the afternoon on April 11, when up to four feet of hail accumulated during a slow-moving storm. TxDOT closed the highway for several hours, while Amarillo District crews brought out snowplows to clear the mounds of hail and mud blocking the road. The roadway reopened around midnight, but crews continued working into the next day, clearing ice and assessing damage.
Imagine being on your bike…
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=td8StmHU964&hl=en_US&feature=player_embedded&version=3&w=600&h=447&rel=0]