Our Annual BEST IN TEXAS Readers’ Choice Poll included the category for readers/riders to vote for their favorite wildflower road. We complied readers’ responses into a TOP 10 list of the best Wildflower Roads in Texas. This is #10 on the list.

US 281
Running nearly the entire length of Texas, US 281 is one of the state’s longer roads, but it’s also one of the most scenic during wildflower season. It’s a US highway, so it’s an easy cruise. When you feel like slowing down, stop into one of the many interesting small towns along the way . A favorite for riders is Hico, where you can kick back and enjoy a meal and walk around the historic town square.
The region you’re in will determine the predominant blooms, but bluebonnets are a pretty safe bet all along its length. The Hill Country area, along the Llano Uplift is one of the most prolific wildflower spots in the state…given sufficient winter and early spring rains, of course.
McAllen to Wichita Falls
Wildflower ride guide

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